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Want to find out more about copywriting, editing, publishing or the vagaries of freelance life? Of course you do! Then dip your toe into my blog.

Jan 263 min read
How to use ellipses correctly: Punctuation tip #4
A while back, I proofread a book that was full of ellipses. If the manuscript hadn’t already been typeset, I would’ve asked the author to...
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Jan 113 min read
Is it worth using an editor?
I’ve been on both sides of the editing fence. Not only have I edited other people’s work, but I’ve also had my own writing edited. When I...
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Jan 17 min read
How long does it take to copyedit a book?
A few years ago, I was asked to copyedit a 50,000-word book in 24–48 hours. At first I thought it was a joke – or an error (did they mean...
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Nov 14, 20244 min read
Beyond grammar: What's really included in a website copyedit
One of the first jobs I got when I started freelancing again (yes, this is my second run!) was a website copyedit. The client accepted my...
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Sep 26, 20244 min read
How to evaluate a sample edit
Editors often bang on about the importance of sample edits. But once you’ve got one (or three), how do you evaluate them?  Truth is, if...
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Sep 12, 20247 min read
Cookbook editing: A step-by-step guide
I’m a foodie. So it should come as no surprise that I used to work for a food publisher (I love test kitchens!) and that I still edit...
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Aug 16, 20244 min read
What to include in an editor's brief
There’s one step in the editing process that’s usually rushed or overlooked – and that's the editor's brief. This is the email or...
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Aug 10, 20244 min read
How to use parentheses correctly: Punctuation tip #3
I recently edited two non-fiction books with a lot of parentheses. They were mostly used for witty asides or extra detail. (Both authors...
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Jul 29, 20245 min read
Why you need a style sheet
I was watching a TV show recently in which the main character’s hairstyle kept changing from scene to scene. In one shot it was hanging...
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Jul 26, 20245 min read
9 reasons why I’m not the right editor for you
It may seem counterintuitive to push business away, but sharing my preferences is a great way to find out if our working relationship is...
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Jul 10, 20244 min read
Should your book include a trigger warning?
I recently copyedited a non-fiction book with a trigger warning. It was the first time I’d read – or edited – a book that had one. (I...
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Jun 14, 20244 min read
Why I prefer to copyedit books chapter by chapter
When I first trained as an editor, the process was simple. I received a hard copy of the manuscript, used copyediting symbols to mark up...
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May 10, 20243 min read
How to fix wordiness (without losing your voice)
As a copyeditor, I’m often briefed to remove wordiness. But what is it, why is it bad and where do you draw the line? First, let’s get...
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Apr 10, 20243 min read
Should you write now and edit later?
‘Write now and edit later.’ I hear this mantra all the time. Writing teachers push it because it helps you beat writer’s block and speed...
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Mar 3, 20245 min read
Do editors fact-check your book?
Editors are trained to do a lot of things: fix typos, correct spelling and grammar, eliminate wordiness, and improve the logic and flow...
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Feb 16, 20242 min read
When to hyphenate compound adjectives: Punctuation tip #2
One of the most common errors I see in manuscripts is unhyphenated compound adjectives. It’s not surprising – adjectives with two or more...
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Jan 19, 20243 min read
Why are book editors so expensive?
Most authors are shocked when they find out how much a book editor costs. That's because they don't know what book editors usually charge...
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Dec 20, 20234 min read
Word or Google Docs: Which is better for copyediting?
A year ago, I lost a copyediting job because I didn’t want to edit in Google Docs. Everything was going swimmingly until I mentioned my...
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Dec 8, 20233 min read
7 questions you should ask before hiring a book editor
If you've ever worked with an editor, you'll know that we ask questions – lots of questions. That's because we need to make sure we're a...
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Nov 30, 20235 min read
What to expect when you work with a book editor
Sending your manuscript to a copyeditor can be a nerve-racking experience – particularly if you're a first-time author. While everyone...
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